Team members

Jonathan M. Harnoss, MD, Principal Investigator

Jonathan is still dreaming about doing experiments himself, but being a surgeon-scientist he is usually stuck either in the OR or at the desk. 

Tamal Sarkar, PhD candidate

Tamal is the master chef and foodie in our lab. Since doing experiments is sometimes like cooking, he loves to prepare amazing food and not only explores the scientific world, but also the diverse European kitchen cultures by traveling in his free time. What he cherishes the most in the lab is the intellectual freedom there is. 

Felicitas Ruber, MD student

Felicitas the one with a green thumb in our lab. She has turned our office in a jungle and takes good care of all the plants. She particularly enjoys she positive work atmosphere in our lab. 

Clara Niemeyer, MD student

Clara is an espresso aficionado and similar to her experiments she loves trouble-shooting the littles details of making the perfect espresso and then enjoys the high of getting a perfect espresso (or experiment). 

Annabelle Schmitt, MD student

Annabelle is the adventurous in the lab. She is not only establishing new techniques in the lab, but also loves hiking, canoeing, swimming, and even paragliding. She particularly likes the camaraderie in the lab, as outside in nature, going together through thick and thin. 

Denise Lucas, MD student

Besides doing a lot of histopathology, Denise still finds time to be committed to social projects and to volunteer. Being connected with others from all over the world and working together on a project is also what she loves most about science. 

Sascha Hinterkopf, TA

Sascha was the heart of our lab in Heidelberg and responsible for the productive working environment in the lab filled with jokes and laughter (and sometimes after-hour activities). Rumours are that he is a great bowling player ("Kegeln" in German), but when tested during a lab offsite at a bowling alley, this could not be confirmed (he claims that bowling is very different though). 

Discovery, Lab mascot

Our lab mascot and muse, who reminds us to stay hungry and foolish and helps us with all her wisdom to connect the dots along the scientific journey. As in science, you can ask her any question, but if the response is not comprehensible, the question may not be precise enough. 


Impressions from the lab